Manual How To  ROOT Xiaomi Redmi Note 5

Manual How To ROOT Xiaomi Redmi Note 5

7 058
Дата добавления
5-04-2019, 23:19
Detailed instructions on how to get ROOT rights (root access) for Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 on the site DROPGAME.RU

Before we proceed to obtain root rights, you must understand that all actions you perform at your own risk, you must carefully read the instructions and do exactly as described in the article.

You should also make sure that you have an unlocked boot loader on the phone. Read more about how to do this in our article.

  1. Download Platform-tools (adb/fastboot) and extract archive content to empty folder on your PC/laptop 
  2. Download
    Под защитой VirusTotal Последняя проверка 18 November 2024, 14:37
    and unzip it into adb/fastboot 
  3. Switching smartphone to the fastboot mode (turn it off, press and hold the power and volume minus buttons, after vibration release the power button and wait for the picture with hare). Connect it to your PC / laptop 
  4. In the adb/fastboot folder run boot_twrp.bat and wait for the launch of TWRP
  5. Copy archive to the root of internal memory (for easy search in TWRP)
    Под защитой VirusTotal Последняя проверка 18 November 2024, 14:37
    . Disconnect smartphone
  6. On the phone press:
  7. Install ► select Magisk archive ► check the checkbox to reboot after flashing ► wait for the process to finish.

TWRP will not be installed, but only a one-time download!

Allow to modify System, If it is asked at startup TWRP! 
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